The first organic Franciacorta wine producer, Barone Pizzini, has chosen Giaretta System.
Cellars are extremely sensitive. There, the humidity level, temperature and many other factors can affect the wine-making procedures and hence the final result. That's why every single element of a cellar should
be appropriately chosen, in accordance with resistance, durability, easy-cleaning and the
highest levels of
hygiene. In this winery in Franciacorta, you can find the antiacid floor made of klinker tiles which are particularly indicated for the wine-making areas and in areas of heavy-traffic.
MUSIC BY Aaron Sprinkle Title Alexandria “licensed through Soundstripe”
"Water channels are an important investment, however optimising the cleaning operations is a key factor over time"
Read more about the Giaretta System and find out the perfect floor for your winery.